Thursday 8 September 2011

30 Day Challenge

Wow, Who knew when you make a 30 day plan, life and family have a mind of their own and they don't  necessarily want to fit into your schedule!!  I started my challenge for myself before September 1st so I have a few extradays thrown in.  My Challenge for myself was 6 Days Cardio 5 Days Weights and Clean Eats so here goes:

Aug 29 Day 1 - Arms
Day 2 - Legs
Day 3 - Cardio / Chest
Day 4 - Cardio / Back
Day 5 - Cardio / Glutes
Day 6 - Cardio 
Day 7 - Cardio/100 Squats (Back to the 100 squats/100 Days- thank you Faith)
Day 8 - Nothin, it was a Holiday!  But I ate 90% Ok
Day 9 - Cardio/Arms
Day 10 - Legs (No cardio-Life happens)
Day 11 (Today) Cardio / Chest
SO FAR SO GOOD! In there we ate out lots, had a Anniversary Party bar-B-Q and my daughter had an accident and needed stitches, so life definitely happens!  Only 2 Days were 90% Clean and I fell off the Squat Portion of the challenge but I can get that back, I love squats!


  1. Nikki! great job on getting ALL your workouts in!!! They always say "consistency is key" and you are on the mark. Way to go on not blowing the diet on a HOLIDAY! THATS HARD!!! You're going to rock this challenge - get it girl!!

    ^__^ and thanks for the shout out!

  2. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


    Hailey William
